We KANGSHUO BIOTECH CO., LTD utilize a variety of shipping methods, including air and sea transportation, to deliver our products. We partner with trusted shipping companies such as DHL, FedEx, UPS, USPS, EMS, DPD, and others. Our delivery experts are knowledgeable in navigating customs regulations in countries with strict controls, and they employ cutting-edge technology to ensure secure packaging and timely delivery to our clients.
- We have 98% successful deliveries.
- We value the time of our clients and always go to a meeting.
- We guarantee a free re-sending of the package if it was detained at customs (check with the manager, the service does not apply to all countries of the world).
- We also recommend purchasing related products to ensure that the package clears customs smoothly.
Our team is always available to answer any questions or offer advice. We are committed to providing exceptional service and ensuring that all inquiries receive a timely and thorough response.